Well it's been well over a month since my last entry so I thought I better say something to show that I'm still about.
I've had a little computer problem and couldn't get online for a while. I suppose I could have gone to a internet cafe but I do like the comfort of my own home.
I've had a few gigs DJing here and there around Melbourne. The friday evening after work drinks gig I was doing @ Europop have come to an end. That was fun and as a D J a challenge (to keep everyone happy) every week. I love that venue and would like to do a one off party there.
I would also like to thank Ang. A new promoter on the scene that hooked me a with a couple of gigs in the last month or so. "You keep going girl!" The highlight for me in the last month was D Jing after Jimmy Little (a bit of a hero of mine). It was in O'Donnel gardens St Kilda during the day and early evening. It was a fantastic day. Well done Bo Svoronos from the City of Port Phillip indigenous arts unit. I had a great day and I'm sure everyone else there did as well :)
Now on the production tip. Electric BBQ (me&Miles) have been putting together a brand new show with brand new tunes. The jungle drums a are telling us that we might be playing back up north (northern NSW) soon and of coarse I'll let you know when and where that is as the date gets closer.
I've also been hanging out with an old friend from Brisbane. His name is Angus (D J Bribe). He has left Brizzo and is now living in Melbourne.
Me and Angus use to practise D Jing together back in the day (88-89) and he came second the year I won the QLD DMC. I haven't spent anytime with him since I left Brizzo in 89 and it has been great fun catching up with him.
On the radio tip. I gotto admit these graveyard shifts are killing me. Once I'm there everything is cool and I get hyped but it's the before and after effects that are the "issues" . Also I've never put it out there on the net (but say it on air all the time) if YOU want to send me some of your original music to play on my radio show please feel free to send a C D and bio and if I think it will fit in somewhere within the show I'll play it. I'm always after new fresh sounds for Creative Alternative Techno. If you don't know about PBS click on the link over there>.