Friday, November 10, 2006

Make Poverty History

Here's something a little different. Make Poverty History Festival Where and when: Saturday 18 November, Alexandra Gardens, Melbourne, 10am to 8pm Acts/speakers: A family day out with multicultural music and dance from David Bridie & Telek, Vox Congo, Bad Boys Batucada, and DJ’s Andrew Till, Dom Hogan, Sista BB and Jenni Daggers (more to be announced.) Also children’s activities, workshops, international speakers, stalls representing a range of Make Poverty History agencies, and a fair trade and sustainable living market. Speakers will include the Archbishop of Cape Town, Kumi Naidoo and Tim Costello, co-chair Make Poverty History. Yeah right how much? I here you asking. FREE!

Come on. It'll be fun.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Big Week

Whoa what a week!
First of all a big shout out and props and respect to all that joined me and the crew at the Horse Bazaar last Saturday night. It went OFF!!!!
Thanks to The Latvian League of Luscious Ladies. Pixelton Rocked!
Thanks also to the DJ John Carew for filling in for me on Creative Alternative Techno (106.7fm PBS Satmidnite). My spys tuned in and gave me a full report and it sounds like the show was in safe hands. Thanks JOHN!
This week I'm doing a groovie after dinner type thingy @ a new bar on Crackland St St Kilda. It's called ZA'BA. I've not played here before. It's kind of new.
Come down for dinner. Then shake ya booty after. I'll be DJing @ around 9pm - 1am but tune in to my radio show aswell. I'll be there aswell.12-2am (how do I do it?)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

KAVORKA KAOS!! it's on again.

it's on again. YEEEEHAAAAA!! Kavorka Kaos. The League of Luscious Ladies are requiring my services yet again. Ask anyone that was at the last one. It was Fun and Funky. Well actually it got a bit out of hand at some point but I can't write about that. I'm in enough trouble with the R S P C A. If you're in the city Saturday night and looking for something to do. Come along and check it out. It's in a great little get away called HORSE BAZAAR. See all those Zebra's. They were at the last one. We had to chase them off. They wouldn't leave.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I'm not home

A couple of entries ago (see RADIO FESTIVAL) I spoke of a place called ARCK. I liked the place so much I started working there. Now I have somewhere to hang out and I'm surrounded with all the things I love, like Disco mixers, Computers, Samplers, turntables and all that kind of STUFF. Now if ya in North Melbourne or maybe @ the Vic markets come on in and say Hi. The address is 116 Peel St Nth Melbourne.

Saturday, August 05, 2006


On my radio show tonight is one very interesting out fit from Brisbane called Monster Zoku Omsomb. Click here Tune in and check this shit out.

OSAKA - 11pm Sat
HELSINKI - 5 pm Sat
MEXICO CITY - 9 am Sat
AUCKLAND - 2 am Sun
MOSCOW - 6 pm Sat
CAPETOWN - 4 pm Sat
STOCKHOLM - 4 pm Sat
BANGKOK - 9 pm Sat
ARIZONA - 7 am Sat
NEW JERSEY - 10 am Sat
DUBAI - 6 pm Sat
RIGA - 5 pm Sat
MADRID - 4 pm Sat
COLOMBO - 7:30 pm Sat
VARANASI - 7:30 pm Sat

nice temp TEMPEST

Last week @ the Horse Bazaar was very, Umm? Different. I'm never quite sure how to act at a chill out gig. You can't be to excited can ya? I mean it's a chill gig right?
Anyway it was a good night. Very laid back. People chatting, not alot of dancing but then again it was a chill gig. It was great to put together a set on the total chill tip.
All in all a good night out. Thanks to the TEMPEST crew for allowing me to be a part of Escape from Kaos.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Up for something different?

TEMPEST RECORDINGS is proud to present:

Escape From Chaos
Serving up a slab of Downtempo, Dub, Chill & freestyle electronica
Hesius Dome (Psy-Harmonics)
Red Eye Express (Tempest/ Cosmicleaf)
Dominic Hogan (Psy-Harmonics)
Andrew Haig (Global Eyes)
Arcane Trickster (Tempest/ Cosmicleaf)

Free entry, doors 9pm
and it's happening @ HORSE BAZAAR
397 Lt Lonsdale St

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

look at me

Here's a pic of me and Miles from Electric BBQ

Thursday, July 06, 2006


This Saturday night on 106.7 PBSFM @ Midnight on my radio show called C A T. I will be playing some of my all time favourite psychedelic trance tracks from the early 90's 'til now. I'm doing this as a special for our stations Radio Festival. Every year we have a Radio Festival. Back in the day we called it a subscriberthon. Over the years it changed to radiothon and now it's a radio festival. We can dress it up in many ways but the bottom line is to get as many Members (once called subscribers) as possible during this radio festival time. 2 weeks. July 5th to the 19th. The radio station I work on is a community radio station. We receive no money from the government. Only a handful of people get paid @ the station and the other 200 or so are all volunteers. To cut a long story short.....we always need mo'money mo'money. There are some fantastic prizes to win. A Car. A Surround sound system. Heaps of cool shit. Go and check out the web-sight for the full blag.
Also during my show I'll be giving away some other prizes as incentive to anyone who rings up while I'm there. I got to say a big thanks to the men in black @ PSY-HARMONICS for giving me some of there best releases to give away. I reckon I'll be giving one away every 10 to 15 minutes during my time (12-2am) Also thanks to Mark from ARCK. Arck is a very funky music shop that only deals with computers and music and all it's other little toys. It's in North Melbourne on Peel Street near the VIC markets. At night the shop also does short courses on the latest software like Ableton Live and Reason and stuff like that. If you are just getting started in the computer world of music this is the shizzel. Mark has given me a few places in one of his Ableton live courses to give away. They are short courses and value on ebay @ $350 howzthat! So tune in turn on and get ya wallets out this weekend and help keep a good thing going.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Friday, June 23, 2006

Thanks Ladies!

WOW! Last Saturday night was a very funky affair. Lots of groovie ppl.
The Kavorka Kaos got pretty Kaotic.

I think this horse bazaar place is a fantastic venue. If ya in Melbourne check it out.
The Latvian League of Luscious Ladies really put on a good party. Thanks Ladies.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


This Saturday night I'm playing @ a club called Horse Bazaar. It is a one off party put together by The Latvian League of Luscious Ladies (none are really Latvian). The name of the Party is KAVORKA KAOS.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Radio show time has changed

I'm no longer do the 2am to 6am Sunday morning (sat night) time slot.
Creative Alternative Techno is now on Saturday nights @ Midnight to 2am.
Now if you're reading this from outside Australia here are some times to give you a hint about when I'm on in you're area.

OSAKA - 11pm Sat
HELSINKI - 5 pm Sat
MEXICO CITY - 9 am Sat
AUCKLAND - 2 am Sun
MOSCOW - 6 pm Sat
CAPETOWN - 4 pm Sat
STOCKHOLM - 4 pm Sat
BANGKOK - 9 pm Sat
ARIZONA - 7 am Sat
NEW JERSEY - 10 am Sat
DUBAI - 6 pm Sat
RIGA - 5 pm Sat
MADRID - 4 pm Sat
COLOMBO - 7:30 pm Sat
VARANASI - 7:30 pm Sat

Click here to stream P B S and of course if you like the sounds on P B S you can always show your appreciation by becoming a member. To do so go here

Friday, May 26, 2006

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Just Jamming

Yo Yo Yo I got a couple of gigs coming up next month. One D Jing and one Electric Bar B Q gig but more on that as we get closer to the dates.
Yesterday I droped in on me ol' mate Angus (DJ Bribe). We fired up his studio and had a 6 hour session. We just goofed off and had a good time. I got up some beats and Bribe got on the decks. I think we got the beginning of something here. We might have to find a rapper.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Hired Gun

Sometimes when friends of mine on the hip hop rap tip need some live scratching they give me a call. One such outfit is SAVIDAS but I wouldn't exactly call em Hip Hop or rap. They have there own sound. Nothing too deep. It's funny, poppy, great drinking music. I like it!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Diggin in the archive.

The other night diggin through a crate of old records I found this little gem. Electro 2. I'd love to tell ya that I got it when it come out back in 83 but I didn't I got it a couple of years later. Brand new off the shelves of Rocking Horse records (they're still there). This record meant so much to me. I was 17 and not allowed into clubs yet. My older friends were telling me about this thing they had heard at a club called beat mixing. I was already into tape manipulation. Cutting and splicing. Making weird noises and was doing the S A E course in Milton. I was just starting to get into hip hop but more on the Steinski tip then on the rap side of things. Any way my friend (Miles) was telling me how the music "Just doesn't stop man! The tracks keep changing but the beat just keeps going." So how was the D J doing it I asked? With records he said. Wow . I thought that was so cool. I knew about tape loops and the benefits of having 2 copies of the same record and repeating just the breaks from both but I knew nothing about beat mixing. I just hadn't thought about the concept of pitch control. I had to sneak into this night club and hear this for myself. The name of the club was 42nd Street and it was at The New York Hotel on Queen St in Brisbane. It's not there anymore. It's a shopping mall now. The first beat mix I heard was Bohannan's Let start to dance into Double Dutch bus by (oh shit) the Neptunes ? Maybe? Then I just had a seat and watched the D J for a bit. I really thought that was some pretty amazing shit. Monday morning and I was at the record shop and there it was. Just sitting there. Waiting for me. Electro 2. It had the lot. Scratching, rapping, beat programming, cut and paste and this new thing I was just getting into called beat mixing. I ended up ordering a few more in the series but this one for me was the best of em. It 's over there with my links if ya want to have a listen but be quick I can't leave a gem like that there for too long. I'm sure if you are a D J you will want to order your own "real" copy for yourself. Enjoy. *REMOVED*

Friday, April 14, 2006


This is a mate of mine Peet. He has been a long time supporter of my radio show Creative Alternative Techno on PBS. He releases music under the baner WONDERFEEL. He is Da Man behind a very cool site called SKELETONE. Click on the link to check it out. Get behind it. Support it.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

I'm back online

Well it's been well over a month since my last entry so I thought I better say something to show that I'm still about.
I've had a little computer problem and couldn't get online for a while. I suppose I could have gone to a internet cafe but I do like the comfort of my own home.
I've had a few gigs DJing here and there around Melbourne. The friday evening after work drinks gig I was doing @ Europop have come to an end. That was fun and as a D J a challenge (to keep everyone happy) every week. I love that venue and would like to do a one off party there.
I would also like to thank Ang. A new promoter on the scene that hooked me a with a couple of gigs in the last month or so. "You keep going girl!" The highlight for me in the last month was D Jing after Jimmy Little (a bit of a hero of mine). It was in O'Donnel gardens St Kilda during the day and early evening. It was a fantastic day. Well done Bo Svoronos from the City of Port Phillip indigenous arts unit. I had a great day and I'm sure everyone else there did as well :)
Now on the production tip. Electric BBQ (me&Miles) have been putting together a brand new show with brand new tunes. The jungle drums a are telling us that we might be playing back up north (northern NSW) soon and of coarse I'll let you know when and where that is as the date gets closer.
I've also been hanging out with an old friend from Brisbane. His name is Angus (D J Bribe). He has left Brizzo and is now living in Melbourne.
Me and Angus use to practise D Jing together back in the day (88-89) and he came second the year I won the QLD DMC. I haven't spent anytime with him since I left Brizzo in 89 and it has been great fun catching up with him.
On the radio tip. I gotto admit these graveyard shifts are killing me. Once I'm there everything is cool and I get hyped but it's the before and after effects that are the "issues" . Also I've never put it out there on the net (but say it on air all the time) if YOU want to send me some of your original music to play on my radio show please feel free to send a C D and bio and if I think it will fit in somewhere within the show I'll play it. I'm always after new fresh sounds for Creative Alternative Techno. If you don't know about PBS click on the link over there>.

Friday, February 17, 2006


Last weekend was the first Chill out party I have ever play @ in Australia and it went over a treat (even if I do say myself). It was called SUBMERGE and I'd like to thank the organizers for allowing me to D J there.
Thanks Brian ! Thanks Beck ! When this party happens again next year make sure you get along to it. It's Lush.
All right now!
If you work in the Melbourne CBD ya gotta come down and check out this new club. It's called Europoptrash and it's a very groovy, arty and cosie little venue in China Town. (18 Corrs lane).
Check out the link over there >
It starts around 5pm and goes threw to about 1am (for now) . They are getting a later licence soon.
This is something funky and fun lots of retro 80's dance. In no way is it the cosmic adventure I try to create when playing electronic stuff out doors.
So the name of the night is KICK OFF. We want you to kick off you're weekend with a fun funky party vibe.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


This weekend I am playing @ a Chill Festival called SUBMERGE. This is the festivals second year in production and it is held in the beautiful Hidden Valley Angahook State Forest Victoria at the Opoeia Eco Arts Retreat.
Chill out or Ambient festivals have been happening in Europe for the past 10 to 20 years. My electronic outfit LumuKanda played at a couple of these type events in the mid 90's in Belgian and Holland. Australia however has taken a little while to catch on (just like hip hop). This festival to my knowledge is the first Chill Festival in Australia and I am very happy to be a part of it. I'm sure it will grow and morph into something wonderful.
I'm D Jing around 11-30am to 1-00pm Sunday and then performing with Miles of Dub as Electric bbq (chillset) 5-30pm to 7-00pm.
If ya make it down come say Hi.
Do you want to know more about SUBMERGE? Click on the link over there.

by the way Superpuss has nothing to do with this party. He just wanted his picture on the net.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Back In Melbourne.

I've been back in Melbourne for a few weeks now. It was so good to get out of town for a while and a pleasure to be a part of the EXODUS feztival.There's a pic of me over there in the green cap. Thanks Mr Richards and Domo Tekeshi and the Wompacific crew. If you want to see some fantastic pics and read some reviews of the Exodus party go to Oztrance review threads or the Exodus site. (There should be links over there on the right.)
The C A T club has been cancelled unto further notice. Why? I lost the venue. Another night was offered but it conflicts with to many other things so I think I'll just let it slide for a while or unto I can find another venue to hold the night at. I will for sure let you know about the next C A T club.
Last Saturday (5th) We did the Electric bbq thing at The Retreat Hotel on Brunswick St. It was a very rancho relaxo stylie. This is the 2nd time Electric bbq has played @ this gig. I don't know alot about it. I think the day is called ALIVE and it's put on by the Lukes of Melbourne. It happens in the beer garden and I think it's $5 to get in? Goes from about 3pm to about 9pm I think? I got a phone call the night before (friday night) telling me we was playing there. Next time we play there hopefully they will give me more notice so I can let you all know about it. The day is a fantastic concept all live electronic in a beer garden in Brunswick. Nice.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


This months C A T club is prestented by La Jackle because I'm not down there. I'm sure the Gang playing on the night will take you there and back with some very interesting listening and danceable beats.
D J's on the night are Spider Orchard/DeJaVoodoo/ Phil Devine and Deep Jungle Child (live off laptop).
Also the gang know so many ppl born around this time of the year they decided to wrap it all up into one night of birthday celebrations. So Happy Birthday Capricorn CATS!!!
This event is Happening (as usual) is happening @ the very groovy ACE MORNING BAR 791 Sydney Rd Brunswick. $5 con or $7 full. Yes cheep but not nasty.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

NYE where were YOU?

I had a fantastic NYE in Brunswick Heads with some of the Brunswick Headz. The highlight of the evening was Dodgem cars @ the Brunswick Heads Carnival.
I wish YOU and your Loved ones all the best in the 2006.